Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Fair British Education for All

HOW FAIR BRITISH EDUCATION FOR ALL This essay will analyse how education system helps to maintain class inequality in contemporary Britain. In Britain, a good quality of public education service has been promised for all children regardless of ethnicity, race or income. Unfortunately, School League Table and recent surveys show opposite. In 1944, the government passed Education Act which allowed all children to receive secondary education. Children would be selected by ability for different types of school through an IQ test called the 11+ (in Scotland, the qualifying exam). Between 1964 and 1974, all secondaries re-organised into comprehensive schools instead of IQ test selection. In today’s Britain, there are state (92%) and private (8%) schools with level of primary, secondary and tertiary. Vocational or non-vocational curriculum is being used and leaving school age is 16 since 1972. Universities continue to grow and now 40% of 18 year olds go onto university whereas in 1960s it was 5% of school leavers. Although the vast majority (80%) of private school pupils go into the university, almost 40% of state school pupils go into the further education. This shows that class inequality exists in British education system. All sociologists accept that education is important in society as people receive 15000 hours of compulsory education. However, they have different opinions about the role of education in society. The originator of the functionalist ideology, Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) argued that education is an agent of secondary socialisation which transmits norms, values and roles (value consensus) and acts as a bridge between family and the whole social system. He claims pupils should see themselves as part of a nation by learning of certain subjects which can establish a common political identity for social solidarity, i. e. history, so pupils can see similarities between themselves and the past society. American sociologist, Talcott Parsons (1903-1979) developed Durkheim’s ideas. He argues that everybody has the same chance to succeed, therefore pupils who are most successful in schools due to their effort and ability and different talents are fitted into appropriate jobs. This is known as meritocracy. People also learn skills required by modern industrial society in order to keep nation efficient and allow people earn a living. These skills may be general skills such as literacy and numeracy or specific skills required by particular occupations. The weakness of functionalism is no explanation for how all schools, including religious and fee-paying schools, can transmit a common value system while there are many individuals with different values. They assume the education system establish fair standards for everyone so pupils can achieve their status in society. This meritocratic approach cannot be true if private and grammar schools are considered as private schools have advantage to state schools. 40% gap of entering higher education between middle class and working class children shows the reality. The other strong ideology is Marxism. The founder, Karl Marx (1818-1883), assumes that education is part of society that is vital for the ruling class (bourgeoisie) to exploit the working class (proletariat). French Marxist philosopher, Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990) argues that education system tells people what to believe and how to achieve it which creates false consciousness known as Ideological State Apparatus (ISA). The system also legitimates inequality. Meritocracy and hidden curriculum makes people believe that individual differences are the reasons for success and failure. In addition, Bowles & Gintis suggest that education system produces a workforce with the skills and attitudes required by employers, thus ensuring that profits continue to be made for the ruling class. They also insist there is a pattern of success or failure related to social factors such as class, ethnicity and selection does not occur on basis of ability. Although Marxism provides strong ideas, it has some weak points such as not telling how teachers are â€Å"tools† of the system and showing pupils as passive. It does not explain how the bourgeoisie control the system for their own benefits. Functionalists defined â€Å"cultural deprivation† to explain working class underachievement. It means children who lack the basic cultural norms, values, language and skills that commonly shared by most other members of society. As Basil Bernstein states that working class families speak in â€Å"restricted code† which means smaller vocabulary, less adjectives and adverbs, information is short with no details or additional explanations, while middle class families speak in â€Å"elaborated code†, with more effective communication. Therefore working class pupils have limited skills required by education such as describing, analysing and comparing whereas middle class pupils have enough mental stimulation which is crucial as teachers use elaborated code. Hart & Risley supported this thesis by saying a professional’s child knows more words than a working class family’s child and likely to be more successful in school. However, it fails to consider material deprivation and structural inequalities, the organisation of school and teacher’s expectations. Nell Keddie states that working class culture is different not deficient. Blackstone and Mortimore (1994) argue that working class families have no less interest in their children’s education. Paul Willis tries to answer criticism of Marxism and shows that there is no meritocracy in a capitalist society in his study called â€Å"Learning to Labour†. The â€Å"lads† (12 pupils) had their own counter-school culture which was opposed to the values espoused by the school. The lads felt superior both to the teacher and to conformist pupils. They can see through the ideological smokescreen which means they are aware of capitalistic society is not meritocratic and they will end up having low-paid jobs so there is no need to gain qualifications. Although they believe workplace is a sense of adulthood/manhood, they still have the same attitude: the lack of respect for authority and having a â€Å"laff†. Therefore education can have unintended consequences on pupils which may not be completely beneficial to capitalism. Despite the significant findings, this study has a small-scale view as it includes only 12 boys and is gender biased so it is difficult to generalise the findings. Functionalists and Marxists try to address the problem differently, but none of them have satisfying explanations. Functionalists see the education system as providing a positive educational experience which benefits the children and society. They blame working class families or culture for the poor results of working class children. Whereas, Marxists claim that the system oppresses and harms people, and that it only benefits the powerful. Both of them ignore gender, ethnicity and labelling (Stephen Ball) which develops self-fulfilling prophecy (Rosenthal & Jacobson) means when people treat you as if you had certain attributes, you start acting that way. All these studies and recent surveys show that there is a class inequality in Britain and education system maintains it. The Sutton Trust suggests a solution: secondary schools should be more balanced and disadvantaged youngsters should be attained in order to be in better position. Tevhide Turkmen

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Narrative and Descriptive Essay

The purpose between a narrative and descriptive essay differ from each other because of how you want to convey the story and how to accomplish the purpose. In How to Say Nothing in 500 Words, by Paul McHenry Roberts, the intended audience is for students and writers, and in Once More to the Lake, by E. B. White, it is for readers who had experience with sharing a moment with their loved ones, which both stories accomplish a specific audience. Other similarities between narrative and descriptive are the â€Å"description and narration are often used together because description helps make the story we are narrating clearer and more vivid† (Connell & Sole, 2013, p. 6.4), in which to accomplish their story, they both have a particular language it uses in order to do it. Roberts’s purpose is for the writer to exceed in their writing, though White’s purpose is to display past experiences may not be the same for others. What is similar to their story is that the reader can learn from the writers past errors. Roberts’s impact gives the reader a desire to want to write more effectively, although White’s story impacts the reader to enjoy an experience because it can lead to a disaster; both stories impact the reader to do something. The style of essay that is superior is narrative because a writer can â€Å"incorporate certain important elements in the narrative† (Connell & Sole, 2013, p. 6.3).When a writer uses descriptive, they tend to go too far using descriptive words to describe something that it becomes boring and it tends to make me skip that paragraph, and sometimes the entire page if it goes into too much detail. Reference Connell, C. M., & Sole, K. (2013). Essentials of College Writing (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Roberts, P. M. (n.d.). How to Say Nothing in 500 Words. Retrieved from White, E.B. Once More to the Lake. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Health Care Roles in Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health Care Roles in Communication - Essay Example It is thus important that all the key players in health care: patients, care givers, friends and family, and medical assistants practice proper communication if at all their needs and desires are to be satisfied. The best way to study communication in health care is through case studies, where each component and their roles are analyzed. The scenarios also give information about the barriers in communication and implications, which enable one to come up with recommendations on what should be done to create effective communication. For this specific study, the scenario selected is that of Lena, where the major components in health communication will be identified, all the parties and their roles and perspectives in communication studied, the implications determined and a resolution for effective communication affecting all the players generated. Lena is a student who has stayed in America for about 10 years. She has however been raised in the cultural ways of Southeast Asia, her native land. She finds herself in the emergency room of a hospital one day after fainting in class-too much disappointment and vilification of an accompanying friend; Susie, who we also understand to have brought her to the hospital. She believes she does not need the services of a hospital and is prepared to leave but is restrained by a medical assistant informed by Susie. The impatient medical assistant is interrupted by a doctor who then tries to explain to Lucy the condition and gather more information from her. Lucy’s lack of cooperation makes the doctor to grow impatient and leave the room. From this scenario, it is possible to describe the major components of health care; we first have the patient Lucy who is in the hospital due to fainting suddenly while at school; there is the health care giver, in this case a doctor; a medical assistant who happens to be nearby the patient; and lastly Susie, a friend accompanying Lucy to the hospital. This scenario

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tax - Essay Example ng that some assets are tax free and if one’s gains in a year become less than his or her tax-free allowance, the person is not required to pay the capital gains tax. The paper analyzes aspects of the capital gains tax based on Susan’s case. Susan’s mode of shares’ disposal will determine whether she will pay the capital gains tax or not. If she can manage to evade the tax, it will be for the good of the company. There are instances that one can dispose of assets in a tax free way. Disposing assets can be done through selling it, giving the asset away as a gift, swapping the asset for another one and getting compensation for the asset may be when it gets destroyed or lost. It is well recorded that it could not be possible for transferring the shares to her son. This is because there were strains between her son and her. Similarly, the son did not have material funds (Cordes 2005, p.5). These two instances make it difficult for Susan to dispose the shares with immediate effect. This is because she feels the ownership of the company should remain in the family. The only available way of disposing the shares immediately was selling the shares to an investor. It is well recorded that she had been approached by an investor. If she decides to sell the shares at this time she will have to pay capital gains tax (Thomas 2004, p.10).   This is because sale of shares is in the docket of disposal way that is liable of being paid the capital gains tax. The best time for Susan to dispose the shares is not yet and the best person to dispose to is her son since the company will remain fully owned by the family and the disposal will take place tax free. Sale of assets like shares and real estate is the most common manner in which an individual capital loss or capital gain. The capital gains tax is also applicable to the intangible assets like business goodwill. Disposal of shares at a later date can be advantageous than selling them now. According to the 2014

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Joint ventures within the energy sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Joint ventures within the energy sector - Essay Example A combined force of Shell and Aramco strengthens the venture’s competitiveness. For instance, Saudi owns oil reserves, but lacks the ability to exploit them (Johnson, 2011). Therefore, this influences the government of Saudi to strike a deal with Shell. The state of Saudi has efficiently exploited the oil resource, while the investor gains some profit. The energy sector takes different forms, this report will primarily focus on oil and gas as sources of energy. Apart from that, market factors in the petroleum sector contribute significantly to the well-being of an economy. Therefore, key stakeholders in this micro-economy continue to effect and affect the industry (Johnson, 2011). The primary players include National Oil Companies, International Oil Companies, and petroleum organizations. Therefore, when these parties’ work in harmony, petroleum players realize an increase in the efficiency of oil production. However, economic factors such as demand, supply, and industrial regulations influence the pricing and distribution of petroleum products. Consequently, competition among stakeholders increases since oil is a rare commodity. Motive enterprise is a joint venture between Shell (an IOC) and Saudi Aramco (an NOC). Both of the shareholders own equal shares of the company. The company has its headquarters in Houston Texas. In 2004, the company posted a fiscal net profit of 24 billion dollars. Motiva owns and operates three oil refineries in the United States. Important to say, the expansion of Port Arthur refinery increased its capacity to 600000 meters cubic per day (Stevenson, 2011). Subsequently, Port Arthur refinery became the largest in North America and the fifth largest in the globe. Motiva produces diesel, petrol and petroleum liquid gasses and other crude oil products. United states are the fundamental customers of the company’s products. Joint ventures between national and international firms can be realized through

Zappos Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Zappos - Term Paper Example During the period of past 9 years, the brand has greatly evolved to new heights. The objective of the company is essentially to provide the customers’ with best services online not only shoes as the product but also in other categories. The vision of the company reflects that out of total sales, 30 percent of retails trade will be made through online. Furthermore, the company’s vision also replicates that best services will be offered to the end customers’. The company deals in the sales of clothing and shoes through online. Its primary revenue is gained from the sales of shoes that contribute around 80 percent of the entire business. On analyzing the company background, it can be observed that Zappos is sells around 50,000 varieties of shoes within the market. The company believes in the ‘loyalty business model’ along with ‘relationship marketing’. The vital reason behind the acceleration of the company’s growth can be considered as its repeat customers. Moreover, the company has not invested much in the advertising aspect; in-fact the word-of mouth has ensured extensive growth and development. It is also famous for its reputation pertaining to customer service. For example, every new employee being hired within the corporate office requires a vigorous training of weeks on customer loyalty. This training is the initial phase and compulsory for all the employees before they enter into the actual workplace (Zappos, 2013). Four Problems Being Faced By Zappos Every organization in the present business environment faces an assortment of challenges. It has been recognized that an organization trading through online website faces certain viable challenges as compared to traditional ‘Brick-and-Mortar’ organizations. The persistent risk of online organization is hacking of the information. Zappos being an online company also faced the problem of hacking. It has been ascertained from a news report that t he hackers got hold of around 24 million of customers’ personal information. This has created an immense problem for the company. In relation to hacking, the customers’ of the company have filed a suit against it. The management of Zappos wanted the matter to get into settlement pertaining to the terms of service. However, the court overruled the petition and the company was asked to present in the court for trial session (Thomas, 2012). Another major problem faced by the company that it needs to overcome is recognized to be the traditional one way thinking. According to the company CEO Tony Hsieh, the organizational culture tops the priority list than customer service. For any organization to sustain, both the aforementioned requirements are necessary. Only focusing on effective organizational culture without rendering proper customer service might lead to adverse intricacies. Organizational culture and customer satisfaction facilitate to establish a concurrent relati onship (Edwards, 2012). In keeping with Zappos, another problem relates with ordering shipment. It has been recognized that the intense security check of Zappos also creates numerous problems for the customers pertaining to shipment. Problem pertaining to the order shipment has significantly affected the customer base of the company. The hurdle in the continuous and steady flow of cash within the company is another problem that has taken place within the problems’ purview. Technologies being applied within the company are not that effective in tracking the customers’ security alert and receive instant cash against the services being paid (Hsieh, 2010). Action Plan for Zappos In order to mitigate the problems being faced by the comp

Friday, July 26, 2019

Investigating a strategic problem (Proposal) Research Proposal

Investigating a strategic problem ( ) - Research Proposal Example The first problem concerns the license bid. The Omani government, through its regulator, TRA announced a tender for mobile license. The license biding process was highly competitive, with approximately 28 international firms bidding for the license (Birnik and Cormack 2010, p. 405). In addition to the problem of acquiring the license, the firm has to attract talent. Even though Nawras has the resources to launch its operations, it faces the problem of recruiting the right people for permanent employment. Most importantly, the firm has to develop effective strategies for competing with Omantel that has already established its presence in the country. Omantel has already acquired a customer base, developed its infrastructure and created networks with influential people. A multi-dimensional approach targeting organizational objectives and situational factors will address the problems. It will allow the organization’s administrators to approach the license problem using a collaborative strategy. Consequently, it will create meaningful relationships to address the issue. The challenges in recruiting meaningful talent can be addressed through modern recruitment processes that use social media. In addition, Omantel’s influence can be countered through dynamic pricing techniques and creating flexible services. Nawras Telecommunications is a relatively new company in Omani. Its operations face a number of strategic problems given the fact that it is yet to develop its infrastructure or acquire an efficient human resources. The challenges are compounded because it operates in a country that has underdeveloped its telecommunication regulatory and legal

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Edgar Degas Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Edgar Degas - Research Paper Example He had come from a family that was extremely musical: his mother was an opera singer, though not a professional one, while his father Auguste used to arrange recitals to be performed by musicians in their home. Degas mother passed away when he was just thirteen years old; after that, both his father and grandfather had a great influence in his life (, 2010). He studied at the Lycee Loius le Grand whereby he attained a baccalaureat in literature in the year 1853. Degas began his life as a painter when he was still a teenager of eighteen years old; he had changed his room to be an artist’s studio and after graduating registered as a Louvre copist. Auguste however was not for the idea of his son becoming a painter, and he urged him to enroll in law school. In November 1853, Degas reluctantly went to study law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Paris; however, he was not so enthusiastic about it. When he was still a copist, he produced a number of copies of R aphel that were quite impressive; working on them, he studied other works done by contemporary painters with examples of Delacroix and Ingres (, 2010). In the year 1855 he was admitted into the Ecole Des Beaux-Art School in Paris, but after studying there only on year, he left school so that he could take three years traveling, studying and painting in Italy. There he painted painstaking copies of Michelangelo’s work, a renowned Italian Renaissance painter, as well as Da Vinci. He developed a classical linearity reverence that was a distinguishing characteristic even of the modern paintings he had done (, 2010). According to Growe, (2001), in 1859 Degas went back to Paris and made a name as a painter. He took the traditional approach whereby he painted large portraits mostly belonging to family members and big historical scenes with examples of Semiramis Building Babylon, the daughter of Jephtha and the Scene of middle Age war. He then went to subm it his works to a group of French teachers and artists who would be in charge of exhibitions that happened in public. The group had extremely conventional and rigid ideas of proper artistic form and beauty; therefore, it was indifferent to Degas paintings. In 1862, Degas had a chance of meeting Edouard Manet, a fellow painter at the Louvre, and the two developed a friendly rivalry within no time. In 1868 Degas was one of the important members of the avant-garde artists group that included Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Alfred Sisley. They used to meet regularly as the Cafe Guerbois so as to discuss ways that artists could use to interact with the modern world. The Franco-Prussian war began in July 1870, and Degas decided to volunteer to be part of the French National Guard. As the war was ending in 1871, the Paris Commune took control of the capital for approximately two months previous to Adolphe Thiers went ahead to establish again the Third Republic at the time of a bloo dy civil war. In order to avoid the Paris Commune tumult, Degas took a long trip in New Orleans to visit his relatives (Growe, 2001). Degas came back to Paris in 1873, and here he met with Sisley, Monet and a few other painters. They went ahead to form the Societe Anonyme des Artistes which was a group that was obligated to have exhibitions which were not under the Salon’s control. The group would later come to be identified as the Impressionists despite the fact that Degas fancied the name â€Å"

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Theme park Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Theme park - Dissertation Example The landscaping, buildings and other attractions in the park use very specific themes such as Jungle life, Fairy Tales or the Wild West. Theme or Amusement Parks are constructed with an aim to provide good entertainment to large groups of people. These Parks are spread over a large area with a lot of attraction for children, for youth and also adults. Europe is considered to be a pioneer in Amusement Parks that evolved from pleasure gardens and fairs that entertained people during their leisure and recreation time. The world’s oldest Amusement park is Bakken, at Klampenborg, North of Copenhagen, Denmark that opened in 1583. In the United States, expositions and world fairs influenced the development of the Amusement Park industry. (Adams Judith A. 1991) In this research paper we are going to discuss about Theme Parks and the role they play in providing healthy and wholesome entertainment. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The primary objective of this project is to carry out an investigation on different theme Parks and to study and analyze its level of success or failure. This study would serve to give us a better understanding about Theme Parks and how they work and their contribution towards increasing the country’s economy. ... PRELIMINARY LITERATURE REVIEW Media plays a pivotal role through advertising these amusement and Theme Parks. A lot of media coverage is not only given about the different attractions, amusement rides and scenic beauty of the Parks but also covers the dangers and disasters that occur at these parks. The media also raises concern about the injuries and fatalities that take place and fulfills the social duty of bringing it to the notice of the general public. (Braksiek RJ, Roberts DJ. 2002) sheds light on Amusement park injuries and deaths stating that increased reports about such fatalities, have urged proposed legislation in order to regulate this industry. The author specially makes mention of the severity of injuries caused by roller coaster rides such as subarachnoid hemorrhages,  carotid artery thrombosis with stroke etc. (Braksiek RJ, Roberts DJ. 2002) Cindy Yoonjoung Heo and Seoki Lee (2009) shed light on the Theme Park industry’s revenue management (MR) applications a nd how they work. The authors explain that the theme park industry has great potential for enhancing its revenue by making use of essential RM strategies and techniques. In their study comparing the traditional RM industry such as hotels with that of the RM management of Theme Parks, the findings revealed that customers perceived ‘fairness’ in the RM practice when compared to the traditional RM made use of by the hotel industry. Cindy Yoonjoung Heo and Seoki Lee (2009) The authors suggest the adoption of RM used for Theme Parks because of the great potential to be highly successful. Yooshik Yoon, Dogan Gursoy and Joseph S. Chen enlighten us on the tourism development theory in relation to tourism that is encouraged because of Theme Parks. According to their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nurses Dealing with Cases of Women who are Victims of Domestic Coursework

Nurses Dealing with Cases of Women who are Victims of Domestic Violence - Coursework Example as a nurse, one is expected to uphold utmost professionalism. He or she is expected to follow the ethical standards as prescribed under the Nurses and Midwifery Council code of professional ethics. A registered nurse must respect the patient as an individual, obtain consent before giving treatment, uphold the confidentiality of information, maintain professional knowledge and competence, be always trustworthy and must act with the end goal of identifying and minimizing risk on the patient (NMC 2002). On the other hand, the nurse has a legal obligation towards his or her patient. According to the case of Donoghue v. Stevenson (1932)1, where there is an established proximity of relationship between two people where the duty of care exists, the person who owes the duty of care towards another but failed to fulfill such duty, that person shall be liable for the breach such duty of care. According to the case of Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee (1957)2, where the healthcare pr ofession failed to perform acts which are expected of his or her profession, he or she shall be deemed in breach of such duty of care. In the more recent case of Bolitho v City & Hackney Health Authority (1997)3, the Court ruled that the delivery of the duties and responsibilities of the healthcare professional should be able to stand of up to logical analysis, where the action should be examined in the context where it would be the right thing to do on such a given circumstance. Accordingly, there are four elements that must be satisfied before a suit can be successfully brought against a nurse or a healthcare professional, namely, the existence of the duty of care, the failure to perform such duty, that damage resulted from the failure of the health professional to perform the duty and that such damage which resulted from the negligent act is foreseeable and is a direct consequence from such negligent act (Horwitz, B. 1998). In the case of Barnett v. Kensington and Chelsea Hospita l Management Committee (1969)4, the liability of the healthcare professional is established where the damaged that the patient could suffer due to the negligence is foreseeable and is the direct result of the breach of a duty of care.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Prevention and Crisis Intervention Essay Example for Free

Prevention and Crisis Intervention Essay A crisis can be a terrible burden on any individual that has or is suffering through one; a crisis can leave a person with a great deal of anxiety and stress. As a crisis intervention worker it is my responsibility to at least try to help those that come into my office. Most that do come to me are going through a crisis of some kind or another and need to work through it. To help them work through their crisis I find that the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is a great asset. The ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is an effective approach because I can provide temporary immediate relief. A crisis can be difficult to define but there are three essential parts for a worker to look for while working with a client to define if they are in or have been in a crisis. These parts are 1) a precipitating event; 2) a perception of the event that causes subjective distress; and 3) the failure of a person’s usual coping methods which causes a person experiencing the precipitating event to function at a lower level than before the event (Kanel, 2007). I should also make sure to use this three parted definition of a crisis only as guidelines, a crisis should be identified for each client on an individual basis. The reason I find the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention so useful is because it provides me with the guidelines to help the client overcome their crisis. The ABC Model can also be broken down into three stages: (A) Building rapport; (B) Identifying the problem; and (C) Coping (Kanel, 2007). My goal is to help the clients change their perceptions of the crisis and assimilate the precipitating event into their daily lives. By doing so we can ensure that they keep and/ or gain ego strength and eliminate the possibility that they will become crisis prone. Today I will be working with a new client named Jill who has come to me seeking help as so many other clients have. Jill informs me that she works long hours and is tired by the time she gets home. She goes on to say that she is usually too tired for intercourse and that because of her lack of sexual responsiveness her husband gets angry. Jill states that he sometimes gets so angry that he does things to her that provokes fear in her. She is even afraid that her husband will find out that she has come to me today for help. The very first thing I did when Jill came into my office was to start the first stage of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention. This stage, stage A, is about building rapport and can be considered the foundation of the therapeutic encounter (Kanel, 2007). First off I informed Jill of her confidentiality so that I may start to gain her trust. I need to gain her trust so that I may be able to help her help herself. Once she does start to feel rapport and begin to trust me then she will become more open to me, allowing the interview to proceed. I tried to be careful with my attending skills so that I could convey to Jill that I was actually listening to her and w as here for her. I used the SOLER method to manage my nonverbal behavior so that I presented a receptive presence. SOLER refers to: (S) Squaring off; (O) Open posture; (L) Leaning in; (E) Eye contact; (R) Relaxed (Cameron, 2008). By that I mean that I sat Square with Jill while keeping an Open posture and Leaning in slightly; I also kept Eye contact and held a Relaxed natural posture. Using the SOLER method alone is not enough so I also was careful with my facial expressions, hand gestures and other body movements as well. Even after being careful on how I act myself I was also careful to observe Jill’s nonverbal communication. Another main aspect was my listening skill; I listened to everything she said and how she said it. The demonstration of attending, observing and listening skills has an impact on effective reflective verbal responses (Cameron, 2008). Paraphrasing, questioning, reflection and summarization are all important aspects that cannot be performed properly without the skills I m entioned. After I had established rapport with Jill and ensured that we had a reciprocal relationship I was then able to move on to the next phase. Stage B of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention is mainly focused around identifying the problem. This can be considered the most crucial aspect of the ABC Model for providing therapeutic interaction. Identifying the precipitating event is important but exploring the client’s perceptions and cognitions are even more important. If I was to actually help Jill then I had to find out her thoughts and feelings revolving around the situation. I already know that Jill is scared of her husband and that he does stuff to her when she does not respond the way he wants sexually. But now that I have gained Jill’s trust and we have moved into the B phase I can now get more specific. I decided to start out with some open-ended questions so that I was able to guide the conversation but also let her take over talking. After the opening question I posed I was then able to tie all of my other questions to what Jill had just said. My reasoning for this is because when a question is posed effectively essential information can be better gathered (Kanel, 2008). In addition to posing my questions the best I could I also made sure to paraphrase throughout the interview. Paraphrasing is very useful because it helps me clarify what my clients have said. It is smart to clarify so that not only you know that you understand what the client has said but also so that they know you understand. I find it vital that the client knows that I really do hear what they are saying and that I want to understand. Clients can feel comfortable knowing that someone is there for them and can be encouraged to continue on. Not only is paraphrasing important but reflection is also valuable no matter what part of the interview process you are in. I had to let Jill know that I understand that she is scared and that I was willing to help her work through her feelings. Jill needed to tell someone that she was scared and knowing that I validated that feeling made her feel more powerful. By being able to express their own feelings clients are then more able to manage those feelings and express them in a more positive manner (Kanel, 2007). Knowing that I was there to hear what she had to say and to accept her feelings Jill was able to feel more comfortable talking. The reason that all of that is so important is because we need to identify the client’s perception of the event. The perception of the event is by far the most crucial because it can be most easily and quickly altered (Kanel, 2007). By knowing how the Jill sees the situation and knowing how she feels I can then reframe. Reframing is aimed to change the internal cognitive experience of the client once the current cognitions are known (Kanel, 2007). Instead of letting her believe she is weak for being scared I reframed Jill’s situation that she is strong for seeking my help today. Reframing is considered part of therapeutic interaction, which helped me aid Jill, as with my other clients, in thinking differently about the situation. I used validation and support statements as well, informing Jill that it was okay for her to be scared and that she is not alone. Further I used educational statements because providing factual information is vital in every crisis (Kanel, 2007). Lastly with the therapeutic interactions I tried use empowering statements so that I could encourage Jill. My main goal was to inform Jill that she is not powerless but that she does have control in her life. Another important aspect that I conducted throughout the B phase was making ethical checks. I had to find out if Jill was vulnerable to suicide and also if she has any homicidal tendencies toward her husband. I also had to discuss with Jill if she has been diagnosed with any mental or emotional problems. Finding out any medications that she was currently taking was my next step. I had to check for substance use and/ or abuse as well, which I did so by using my questioning and probing abilities. The last part of the B phase is summarization which was helpful in allowing me to sum up the interview thus far. The key purpose of summarization is to help the client pull their thoughts together (Kanel, 2007). I also had to make sure that I understood everything Jill said correctly and to clarify anything misinterpretations. Summarizing also helped me make a smooth transition into the next phase of the ABC Model. I was able to gather together everything that Jill and I have discussed and start in on the coping. Coping is the C stage of the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention and is the last step of the process. I started out by asking Jill how she has been dealing with the whole situation thus far. I informed Jill that I needed to know everything that she has been doing whether it has been helpful or not. I had to let her know that crying, sleeping, talking, and even e ating can be considered coping. Jill explained to me more about the situation and what she has done to try to make herself feel better. While Jill was informing me of past and current coping methods I was careful to make mental lists of what seemed to work and what did not. Eliciting unhealthy attempts at coping was especially valuable for Jill. The reason for this is because she was became aware of her behavior she was then more open to alternative methods. I knew that Jill would be more likely to follow through with a plan she has developed herself (Kanel, 2007). This is when I decided to encouraged Jill to start thinking of new and better coping methods. After Jill expressed her own ideas I decided I would then propose some suggestions of other ways of coping. My first suggestion was to contact the authorities about the things her husband does to her. I informed her that there are multiple support groups available to her no matter her choices on. I also let Jill know that if she wanted to try to work things out then marital therapy could be an option for them. Jill was very attentive when I listed different places that could help her and her husband if they wanted to try. Alternatively I suggested different shelters and agencies that she could seek out if she so wished to. With all of the suggested places I offered I was sure to present them in written form as well for her convenience. Clients that feel overwhelmed are more likely to follow through with a referral when it is presented in written form with choices, addresses, phone numbers and fees (Kanel, 2007). I also thought that Jill could do well some bibliotherapy and Reel therapy; I suggested a handful of books and movies that she may be able to relate to. Lastly I suggested that Jill keep a journal and write in it as often as possible and that she may share it with me if she wishes. By now the session was coming to a close and I started to summarize everything we have discussed including the coping methods. I knew that Jill was scared but I informed her that I would like her to commit to trying some new coping methods. When Jill agreed that she would do so I then asked her to be sure to follow up with me at some point. I wanted to help Jill and I really do hope the best for her. But unfortunately the choice of bettering her situation lies in her own hands and she must make the ultimate choice. References Cameron, H. (2008). The Counseling Interview: A Guide for Helping Professions. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillian. Kanel, K. (2007). A Guideline to Crisis Intervention (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomas Brooks/Cole.

Early Marriage Essay Example for Free

Early Marriage Essay Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who makes a permanent and exclusive commitment to each other of the type that is naturally fulfilled by bearing and rearing children together. It is essentially a union of hearts and minds, enhanced by whatever forms of sexual intimacy both partners find agreeable but, there are numerous problems a couple can face when marriage happens at an early stage for them. Early marriage is also referred to as child marriage, where emotional and social effects take place, but one of the most common outcomes of early marriage is the withdrawal of girls from formal education. Education is important as it is not all about studying and getting good marks, but it means to discover new things and to gain a vast amount of knowledge. It would be one of the largest losses to a girl if she is married young. As India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said, â€Å"If u educate a man, you educate an individual; however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family†. Couples that are married young may also lead to financial problems to occur. As a result, it brings them to poverty, the deprivation of basic human needs. Lack of proper education; do not help the inexperience couples to receive large income for the profession they do. Furthermore, children who grow up in poverty suffer more persistent than children who grow up under better financial circumstances. In addition, children in poverty have a greater risk of displaying behaviour and emotional problems, such as impulsiveness and difficulty getting along with their parents. Although money does not buy happiness, it is true that a financially unstable family can create tensions. Read more: Short Essay on Child Marriage Well, women believe that becoming a parent early means giving your body a better chance to recover from the childbearing demands, which works through preserving your youth. Gynecologists approve of the fact that the early you conceive, the more fit you stay. This could be true but not in all circumstances. It would not be beneficial at all as it increases the risk of dying and a higher chance that the newborn will not survive. According to the studies, mothers in this age group have 20 to 200 percent

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Contemporary Indian Theatre And Habib Tanvirs

Contemporary Indian Theatre And Habib Tanvirs Habib Tanvir and Naya Theatre are two inseparable names which will always be remembered in the modern theatrical scenario in India. Its been a year since the death of Habib Tanvir, one of the most popular Indian Hindi, Urdu playwrights, a poet, a theatre director, and an actor, but still the majority of theatergoers in India remember his famous artworks like Agra Bazar and Charandas Chor. The country will always recall this man as the founding father of contemporary theatre of India. But before we go into his life and work details we will have a quick understanding of the evolution of contemporary theatre in India. The traditional theatre, The classical or Sanskrit theatre and The Modern theatre. Contemporary Indian theatre, as we know it today, has been widely influenced by the change in the political scenario in India. During the 200 years of British rule Indian theatre came in direct contact with western theatre. With the union of power by the British Raj in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Bengal, it was in the metropolises of Bombay, Madras and Calcutta that they first introduced their style of theatre, primarily based on London concept. This genre of theatre began to expand in the 1850s as more enthusiasts started to perform their own play on different languages based on western style. Due to the growth of this new form of the theatre the other conventional form of theatre felt the heat. Theatre started being ticketed from the 1870s. By the 20th century and First World War, it became a product for sale and was restricted into the auditorium. As the Indian freedom movement picked momentum, the creative side of the theatre took a setback. In 1922, the Indian Communist Party was founded and along with it came the Indian People`s Theatre Association (IPTA), which worked as its cultural wing. They took the initiative of portable theatre and these were based on various political agenda primarily against the British Rule. Indian theatre was turning out as a medium of social and political change that would be more concerned about reaching out to the common people. Post-Independence, Indian theatre got a fresh and broader outlook from appropriate mixing of various styles from medieval, Sanskrit, and western theatre. This newly found entity was further enhanced by the formation of Sangeet Natak Academy in Jan 1953 and the National School of Drama, New Delhi under Ebrahim Alkazi in 1959. This dramatic revival brought many pioneers in the theatrical front among which Habib Tanvir was one of the most popular theatre playwright-director in Hindi and Urdu. Along with B.V. Karanth (1928-2002), Ibrahim Alkazi (born 1923), Utpal Dutt (1929-1993) Satyadev Dubey (born 1936), Tanvir shaped the structure of modern theatre in India. The individuality in Tanvirs form of theatre was that it showed how Indian theatre could be simultaneously blended with traditional and contemporary aspects. His theater was not fixed to any one form as a whole. His works reaped the skills, energies of folk performance and made them relevant to the secular and democratic perspective. The effect was that his artwork was as challenging as it was entertaining. During the five decades of his stint in theatre, Tanvir gave such memorable productions as Agra Bazar[1954], Mitti ki Gari[1958], Gaon ka Naam Sasural Mor Naam Damaad[1973], Charandas Chor[1975], Jis Lahore Ni Dekhya[1990], and Rajrakt[2006], of which many are renowned as classics of the contemporary Indian stage. In popular culture, the name of Habib Tanvir is closely related to the concept of the folk theatre. However, Habib Tanvirs appeal with the folk was motivated by the folk performers who brought their own styles along with them. Habib Tanvir plays involved actors who can sing and dance. His project from the start had been to utilize elements of folk as an instrument to produce theater to appeal general masses. Habib Ahmed Khan was born in Raipur, Chhattisgarh to Hafiz Ahmed Khan, who belonged to Peshawar. Tanvir was a pen-name he took later when he started writing poetry. Raipur, during that time was a small town surrounded by villages. As a child, Tanvir too had many opportunities to visit villages, interact with the residents and listen to the songs of the locals. He was so attracted by those melodies that he even memorized some of them. Tanvir completed his schooling from Laurie Municipal High School in Raipur and his BA from Morris College Nagpur in 1944. After pursuing his Masters for 1 year at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Tanvir moved to Bombay in 1945 and joined All India Radio (AIR). He also joined the PWA (Progressive Writers Association) and became an essential part of IPTA (Indian Peoples Theatre Association) as an actor. When the Communist Party of India was banned many IPTA members were jailed or went underground. From 1948-50, Habib solely handled the responsibility of running the organization. In 1954, Tanvir moved to Delhi, and worked with Hindustani Theatre formed by Qudsia Zaidi and authored many plays. It was in this period he met Moneeka Mishra, also an actor-director, whom he later married. In the same year, he produced Agra Bazar, based on the times of the 18-th-century Urdu poet, Nazir Akbarabadi, an older poet in the generation of Mirza Ghalib. He used students of Jamia Millia Islamia and local residents and folk artists from Okhla village and created an ambience never seen before in Indian theatre. The play was not staged in a restricted space, but in a bazaar, a marketplace. Later, On a Govt of India scholarship, Tanvir went to England in 1956. He received training at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and the British Drama League, and having exposure to Western drama and production styles. He traveled extensively throughout Europe, watching theatre. In 1956 he spent about 8 months in Berlin and saw numerous productions by Bertolt Brecht. Being Tanvirs first experience with the German playwright-directors work he was quickly influenced by it. Simplicity and directness were the benchmark of Berliner Ensemble productions, and Tanvir was reminded of Sanskrit drama, about its simplicity in technique and presentation. By the time he got back to India, he was determined to unlearn much of what he had learnt at RADA. Thus following a path of development opposite to that followed by other Indian directors trained in Britain. Soon after returning from Europe, he worked with some folk artists of Chhattisgarh and tried to understand their forms and techniques. His first production, Mitti ki Gadi, included 6 folk actors from Chhattisgarh in the cast. Besides, to give a distinct Indian form and style, he used the conventions and techniques of folk stage. This play though is now performed entirely by village artists, but it is still considered as one of the best modern portrayal of the classic. Tanvir and his wife Moneeka Misra founded Naya Theatre in 1959. During this stage of career, Tanvirs interest in the folk traditions and performers continued to grow. But, it was not until the early 1970s that this association reached a new and more sustained phase. Tanvir wasnt entirely satisfied with the working of folk actors. He identified two faults in his approach to tackle them. Firstly, the problem with the rural artists was they not only could read or write but couldnt even remember what way they needed to move in the stage. So, it wasnt wise enough to pre-define their movements in advance. Secondly, making these people speak standard Hindi in Hindustani plays created a severe handicap for them and restricted their freedom of expression and creativity in performance. To improvise on these faults, the folk actors were allowed to speak in their native Chhattisgarhi dialect. He also worked intensively with rural performers in their language delivery and style of performance. Also, to make them feel stage worthy, he allowed them their own portion of delivery in their own traditional way. The second breakthrough came when Tanvir conducted a nacha workshop in Raipur in 1972 where more than a hundred folk participants were involved in a month-long exercise. During this workshop, three different traditional comedies were selected and combined to form a full length play. Further improvisations linked them up to a full story, leading to a stage play called Gaon ka Naam Sasural, Mor Naam Damaad. This play marked a turning point in Tanvirs career, not only because the play was a grand success in Delhi but that he finally found the form and style he was searching since his directorial debut. Since then, he continued his construction and casting of play through improvisations. Through this method, at that time he produced his best work Charandas Chor(1975). This play is still the evergreen favorite for most theatre goers. Tanvirs Naya Theatre worked almost entirely with folk actors. But, his occasional productions with other theatre groups were also marked by the style he developed through his work with folk artists. But, this newly developed style was not folk theatre by any sense. He was still an urban artist with sensibility, modern outlook and strong sense of history and politics. His unique style and content in theatre always reflected his commitment to common people and their causes, primarily due to his involvement with the leftist cultural movement in early years. Tanvirs fascination with the folk was motivated by the fact that he believed there is a huge artistic and creative energy inherent in these traditions. He always borrowed techniques, music and themes from these traditions as and when required. His theatre never belonged to any one form or tradition wholly. His plays, from the beginning, have been utilizing elements of folk traditions as a tool and make them give new, contemporary meanings, and to create an art form which has that touch of soil in it. The performance styles of the actors were always in their conventional nacha background, but the plays were not original nacha productions. While the number of actors in a nacha play is usually 2 or 3, the rest being background dancers and singers, Tanvirs plays used to involve a whole casting of actors, some of whom could sing and dance. His productions always had a structure which one doesnt associate with the original form of the nacha. Another significant difference is that while the nacha songs are mostly used as intermediate musical delays, in Tanvirs plays they were closely embedded as an important part of the theme of the play. This is best displayed in some his adaptations like The Good Woman of Szechwan (Shaajapur ki Shantibai) and A Midsummers Night Dream (Kamdeo Ka Apna, Basant Ritu Ka Sapna). Tanvir not only gave his poetic compositions the freshness of the original but has also used his words to fit native tunes with ease and skill. However, Tanvir was always conscious not to create a difference between his own educated minds over the uneducated creative mind of his actors. An example of this approach is the way Tanvir mixed his poetry to the traditional tribal and folk music, retaining its own imaginative power without in any way less valuing the latter. Another example is the way he allowed his actors and their skills to be projected by less complicating the lighting stage design. Therefore in contrast to the stylish genre of drama on one side and the traditional theatre on the other, Habib Tanvir, with his own blend of tradition, folk creativity and critical consciousness, offered a fresh and innovative model of field of dramatics. It is this rich blend which made his art so memorable. Even after Tanvirs death, his innovative art form and style is still being carried forward through newer productions of Naya Theatre. Seeing recent performance of Naya Theatre actors in movie Peepli Live we can probably comment that Tanvirs art form is gradually crossing the barriers of contemporary theatre and exploring newer towards mainstream cinema.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

George Washington Carver :: Essays Papers

George Washington Carver " 'It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success.'-"-George Washington Carver. George Washington Carver paved the way for agriculturists to come. He always went for the best throughout his whole life. He didn't just keep the best for himself; he gave it away freely for the benefit of mankind. Not only did he achieve his goal as the world's greatest agriculturist, but also he achieved the equality and respect of all. George Washington Carver was born near Diamond Grove, Missouri in 1864. He was born on a farm owned by Moses and Susan Carver. He was born a sick, weak baby and was unable to work on the farm. His weak condition started when a raiding party kidnapped him with his mom. He was returned to the Carver's farm with whooping cough. His mother had disappeared and the identity of his father was unknown, so the Carver's were left to care for him and his brother James. Here on the farm is where George first fell in love with plants and Mother Nature. He had his own little garden in the nearby woods where he would talk to the plants. He soon earned the nickname, "The Plant Doctor," and was producing his own medicines right on the farm. George's formal education started when he was twelve. He had, however, tried to get into schools in the past but was denied on the basis of race. No black school was available locally so he was forced to move. He said "Good-bye" to his adopted parents, Susan and Moses, and headed to Newton County in southwest Missouri. Here is where the path of his education began. He studied in a one-room schoolhouse and worked on a farm to pay for it. He ended up, shortly after, moving with another family to Fort Scott in Kansas. In Kansas, he worked as a baker in a kitchen while he attended the High School. He paid for his schooling with the money he earned from winning bake-off contests. From there he moved all over bouncing from school to school. "College entrance was a struggle again because of racial barriers."2 At the age of thirty he gained acceptance to Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa.

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Marshall: The Most Influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

John Marshall: The Most Influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court In the beginning years of the United States Constitution, the Supreme Court was a struggling institution due to the lack of effectiveness of the Chief Justices and was not highly regarded by the executive and legislative branches of the government. The third Chief Justice in only twelve years, John Marshall put an end to the Supreme Court’s lack of influence after his appointment by President John Adams in 1801. John Marshall was the most influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court because he was the first to make it a just and effective establishment that was equal to the two other branches of government by his court rulings and policies. Through his first case, Marbury v. Madison, Marshall formed a foothold for the Supreme Court through his administration of judicial review. In this case, Marbury had not received his judicial commission after President Adams was elected. Former President Thomas Jefferson had instructed his Secretary of State, James Madison not to pay Marbury. Marbury then sued ...

John Brown :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Brown became a legend of his time. He was a God fearing, yet violent man and slaveholders saw him as evil, fanatic, a murderer, lunatic, liar, and horse thief. To abolitionists, he was noble and courageous. John Brown was born in 1800 and grew up in the wilderness of Ohio. At seventeen, he left home and soon mastered the arts of farming, tanning, and home building. Along with all the rural arts Brown was skilled at, one of his most conspicuous talents was profuse and painful failure. He made many attempts at work and every one turned into a disappointment. In 1837, Brown made his first public statement on human bondage and from then on continued to speak out against slavery. For three years, he traveled East beseeching abolitionists for guns and money. While doing that, Brown created a plan that one night, a small group would capture the federal armory and arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. There, the group would seize all the guns and escape. Slaves would then join the group, creating an army, and diminish slavery in the South. On October 16, 1859, John Brown led a procession into Harpers Ferry and the raid went perfectly as planned. By noon, however, the Virginia militia entered Harpers Ferry and closed the only escape route. At the end of the day, Brown only had five of the twenty-two men he began with available to continue fighting. On October 18, the Marines, headed by Colonel Robert E. Lee, requested the surrender of Brown. He refused. The Marines attacked and captured John Brown. Brown’s trial took place in one week and on November 2, 1859, John Brown was charged with murder, treason, and leading a slave revolt. He was sentenced to death. Brown lived in a Charleston jail cell for one month until he was killed on December 2. Church bells tolled and cannons boomed in honor of John Brown. Experts began to question Brown’s sanity. Some say he was obsessed, monomaniacal, and psychologically unbalanced. John Brown :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Brown became a legend of his time. He was a God fearing, yet violent man and slaveholders saw him as evil, fanatic, a murderer, lunatic, liar, and horse thief. To abolitionists, he was noble and courageous. John Brown was born in 1800 and grew up in the wilderness of Ohio. At seventeen, he left home and soon mastered the arts of farming, tanning, and home building. Along with all the rural arts Brown was skilled at, one of his most conspicuous talents was profuse and painful failure. He made many attempts at work and every one turned into a disappointment. In 1837, Brown made his first public statement on human bondage and from then on continued to speak out against slavery. For three years, he traveled East beseeching abolitionists for guns and money. While doing that, Brown created a plan that one night, a small group would capture the federal armory and arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. There, the group would seize all the guns and escape. Slaves would then join the group, creating an army, and diminish slavery in the South. On October 16, 1859, John Brown led a procession into Harpers Ferry and the raid went perfectly as planned. By noon, however, the Virginia militia entered Harpers Ferry and closed the only escape route. At the end of the day, Brown only had five of the twenty-two men he began with available to continue fighting. On October 18, the Marines, headed by Colonel Robert E. Lee, requested the surrender of Brown. He refused. The Marines attacked and captured John Brown. Brown’s trial took place in one week and on November 2, 1859, John Brown was charged with murder, treason, and leading a slave revolt. He was sentenced to death. Brown lived in a Charleston jail cell for one month until he was killed on December 2. Church bells tolled and cannons boomed in honor of John Brown. Experts began to question Brown’s sanity. Some say he was obsessed, monomaniacal, and psychologically unbalanced.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nu Shu – The Women’s Writing of China

Nu Shu, also known as the women's writing of China, was a major part of Chinese women's lives throughout the 20th century. Unlike any other writing, it is the only known hidden written language. Women used Nu Shu as a way to escape from the oppressive outside world and enter into a peaceful state of mind. Life was hard enough for women; it's scary to think how hard Nu Shu was probably the most commonly valued thing for women in China during this time period. It was valued so much because it was used to share women's miseries. China was ruled by men, and women were nothing more than ousewives and sometime field workers. What made it so special was that only women knew about it. It was a written language expressed by songs and stories. Any other language besides Chinese was forbidden by Emperors. Women couldn't use any form of education, so it had to be formed in secret. Having been something only women knew, it was an easy way for them to express their hardships and sufferings. Every woman at that time was going through the same thing, so it was seen as the easiest way for women to let out their feelings. Males dominated society completely, and Nu Shu was the nly true form of power that women had. If it had been leaked to the public, not only would it have been banned, but many women would have been sent to jail and killed if found using it. Women were beaten and abused to the point where a good day in marriage was a day you cried. Marriages were always arranged, and many women didn't even have feelings towards their husbands. They had to put up with the abuse and couldn't complain. At any point in time, a man could tell his wife what to do and when to do it. Women had no say in the government, their marriage, and in everyday society. The only time they could speak freely was when writing in Nu Shu. Their only audience willing to listen was other women, and Nu Shu was the only way to get in touch with other women without anyone finding out. Whether or not Nu Shu was good or bad is often debated. I happen to think it was good for many reasons. Women weren't educated in any way. Nu Shu was the closest thing they had to education. With education comes power, and that was exactly what women needed. In a time when men ruled society, power is everything. While it wasn't power that everyone recognized, it helped women have better mindsets. In a way, it was creating a more equal society for these women. Equal was definitely something the Chinese culture wasn't centered around, but it was something all women strived for one day. It was often believed that Nu Shu taught women to accept their suffering, but I actually think it was the opposite. No women would ever accept that feet binding were okay, or that the beatings from their husbands should be allowed. Instead, they learned how to cope with these struggles. Knowing how to handle yourself in bad times is a very good quality to have. When thrown a curveball in life, instead of sulking about t, the better thing to do is to take a step back and learn how to deal with it. I think that is something people in Western society do well and in the long run made the Chinese women stronger. Unfortunately, the last living person proficient in Nu Shu died several years ago. I think it's a shame that Nu Shu is closer to being extinct. While the actual writing itself may have no significance to anyone in today's world, I think a great lesson can be learned from it. It's fascinating how long women were successful in keeping it a secret, and overall made the Chinese women stronger people.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ethical Audit Report of Tesco

1. 0 Introduction According to Mamoria (2010), pedigree cleanity is de elegantd as the man of af sensibless integrity so far as his accept or behaviour is pipeline sectored in substancely fields of descent as sound as towards the alliance and some opposite businesses. Thus, the conduct or behaviour by businessman towards the federation or former(a)s whitethorn moderate some conflicts and contradictions. The intention of this report is to play up what and why the casualtys happened. The incidents include the function of protrudelawed workers, harm fixing, and poor harvesting grapheme.All these incidents laid-backtail it to spoil the integrated image of the companionship and in each case toy harmful launch to the communities and other stakeholders. So, Tesco took procession by compensating to the victims, restructured bodied circumspection system for better performances, and provided culture platformme and learning course for the employee. The ho nest theories applic equal to(p) to Tesco include even outeouss of Justice, moral philosophy of Duty, and Feminist Ethics, which lead a similar be discussed in this report.Related article How Tesco Communicates With CustomersIn addition, the arrangings best pr make a motionices and values much(prenominal)(prenominal) as corporate mixer proficient and fostering the surroundings ordain in like manner be discussed for the close up of this report. 1. 1 Background of Tesco Tesco, one of the largest retailers in the adult male started its business in 1919. The Fo d accept the stairs, Jack Cohen started a grocery st e rattling last(predicate) in eastern United States End of London. He make a profit of ? 1 from sales of ? 4 on his first of all day. by and byward 5 geezerhood, in 1924. Mr. Cohen bought a shipment of subsequentlywards(prenominal)noon tea from Mr. T. E. Stockwell where the Tesco brand first appearance.Tesco expanded its business to petrol station in 1974, and became the UKs largest independent petrol retailer. It generated a int human activity sales topped ? 1bn and doubled up to ? 2bn in 1982. In target to buy the farm the UKs leading grocer in 1990, Tesco made an aggressive commercialiseing campaign to impart more stores to gain its businesses. In 2000, Tesco go along to expand its business by produce range from c attracterhes to electrical and individualised finance make ups when Tesco. com was launched (www. telegraph. co. uk). For more detail on its corporate background, kindly refer to concomitant I. 2. 0 Ethical DilemmasEthics in prevalent and ethics in business ar genuinely intimate to one a nonher. accordingly ones psycheal ethics cannot be on the whole separated from ones business or organisational ethics. If you atomic number 18 a man of principles, so you ar more inclined to assert on high up moral standards in your business and organizations (Gavai, 2010). No question how lovesome the corpo rate insurance and system, ethical quandarys free exist as everyone is looking for their get interest. Tesco, one of the biggest retailers in humankindwide as well faces the same problems such as illicit workers, price fixing and poor product quality. . 1 Il computable Workers Tesco was caught for hiring 30 misappropriated workers who were foreign students at one of its w arehouses. These students were from 11 different nationalities mostly Bangladeshi and Indian origins were alleged for running(a) up to 3? cartridge clips longer than their allowed working second in visa permit (www. visabureau. com). They worked as much as 50 hours special(a) than the allowed hours of 20 hours per calendar week. This incident happened after the UK allowance Agency imposement team visited their factory on July 2012 in Croydon (www. immigrationmatters. co. uk).The retailer took responsibilities by bountiful corporation to the investigation as they insisted they did not condone illegal working (www. telegraph. co. uk). Anyhow, employees were considered the victims in this incident as they had not been saved by the gilds employment rules, where they were forced to work for plain hours. They approach big losses such as inability to further education and having a work-life balance. Employer did not nourish for employee welfare, they ab utilize employee honorable to work purposeless which goed to product high productivity, maximize the profit margin by saving cost of employee salary.Supplier played a key office in this scenario, as it was the only party to transform development between the employers and the employee succession in the unconscious process of enlisting. In fact, there was wrong schooling embarking either to the employer or the employee. 2. 2 Price Fixing Tesco was accused in the scandal of the determine fixing on its dairy products such as stop and milk. The consumers from the status of Fair employment in UK reported that Tesco had char ged them an additional of nearly ? 270M between years 2002-2003.The huge arrive was accumulated from 3 pence extra for a pint of milk, 15 penny extra for each quarter-pound of only ifter and the same number per half-pound of cheese for every single purchased in concert with another 8 firms were implicated in the collusion (www. dailymail. co. uk). They were caught by breaching the disceptation act in synchronising the increased price with other competitors for certain dairy products. However, Tescos competitors had admitted and often sequences had been given discount on the fined amount as they had given cooperation in the investigation.When the corporations did not practice somewhat competition which comply with the competition law, consumers were the victims because they did not protect in fair commerce. This is clearly a strong violation of consumers refines (www. savistamagazine. com). Shareholders in the corporations completely earned extra profits in this scenario. W hereas, this practices was not back up as they must(prenominal) obey the corporate law which was state in the Corporate Governance. Government plane section plays a key role in this embarrass scenario their intention was to protect the consumers.Their punishment towards the corporations sent a clear planetary house to them not to violate consumers rights. In fact, families in UK suffering big loss of expensed extra for the daily penny-pinchings in unknowingly. They should be protected under the fair trading policy which plugd them to consider on in worthiness. 2. 3 execrable Product Quality Tesco likewise sure a punishment from the Bracknell Magistrate hail for change 127 out eond fares in the Martins Heron assort on May 2011. The foods include beef-burgers, gammon and chocolate cheesecake. This incident happened when a girl fell sick after consume chargrilled chicken alimentary paste salad.This prompted Bracknell Forest Trading Standards officers to investigate the matter after receiving the complaint. The officers make that the foods had expired for 16 days during a visit to the store (www. getreading. co. uk). Trading Standards officers commented this matter as the worst case of out-of- date product that they had ever seen (www. mirror. co. uk). The irresponsible trend acted by the management of Tesco was strongly touch on to the public health. It also brought suffer to the consumers from physically and mentality. The shareholders were also facing lost when the management was careless in managing the stocks. anyway the above, Tesco was discovered for sell coke expired food products which included yoghurts, fruit smoothies, soup, gravy, vegetable pakoras, packaged salad, pasta bowls, samosa and bhaji snack packs and guacomole dip. These items were past their sell-by-dated of between 1 to 17 days. The occurrence was engaged by a manager who had 20 years experience merely his first time to manage the largest store chain, Tesco Extra . Shoppers had complaint just about the poor problems to the Coventry City Council and the trading standards officers had proven the issues after their raids at the arm in Gielgud Way, Walsgrave in November 2009 (www. oventrytelegraph. net) 3. 0 Actions interpreted to solve these dilemmas According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, dilemmas are situations or problems where a person has to make a difficult choice an ethical dilemma is a problem where a person has to choose between a moral and an immoral act (smallbusiness. chron. com). Dilemma occurrences in the workplace are common and work taken to solve them is very grand, whereas possibility of ethics can be utilise as usherlines which may crop the moral finality. 3. 1 Reinforce in recruitment and management system Tesco was fined for a total of ? 15,000 by UK B target Agency (UKBA) for 23 students, of various nationalities who had breached the visa working basis (www. telegraph. co. uk). UKBA was reflecting UK governi ng bodys intention into act which has promised to overwhelm on visa abuse. The 23 individuals were not permitted to enter UK again (www. visabureau. com). The Britains biggest supermarket had ensured that the incident in this nature will never happen again. One of the executive director had been laid off after the lusterless performance (www. telegraph. co. uk). Tesco was a founder fr movement of Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI).They searched employee with high standard by applying the ETI base reckon which included no exploitation of nipper labour, working hours not exceeding (20 hours per week for foreign workers) and regular employment is provided (www. tesco. ie). However, the presidential term had carried out a good barter by taking serious exploit against any employers who had breached the visa working terms. After the fined it brought a warning to the competitors and at the same time as a reminder to them to have good ethical practice while in competition. Nobody is allowed to breach the rules in govern to obtain success in competition.In addition, after UKBA taken action against the employer, the rest employees will enjoy the benefits which to work in on a regular basis, fair treated, feel protected and tincted by the government. Employer was ensured that the management system been improved after laid off an employee who made mistake. Employer was conscious to throw employees welfares as priority. 3. 2 Defending the rights Tesco was slapped with the fined of ? 10m for price-fixing of its dairy products by the Office of Fair Trading ( a great deal) in 2011 after seven years of investigation. However, they threatened to chip back by taking legal action against OFT to defend themselves.The company claimed they were surprised and dismayed with the fined and strongly denied with any collusion in changing pricing detail with each other via the dairy processors. Tesco stand at its point smartly and throughout the motor hotel. However, it had ur ged the government to deprive OFT of its power to investigate and punish firms under the competition act (www. mirror. co. uk). The intention of OFT was to alert the industries that the competition laws was enforced in ensuring the shopper in a fair trade condition. Hence, after the punishments were sent, it was ensure that the competition was keep under the competition laws.Furthermore, competitors were only able to divulge information to each other via dairy suppliers. Suppliers were also not been honourable in this incident. Suppliers did not bear occupation of providing high quality products with reasonable prices where the consumers are able enjoy the benefits. Thus, suppliers universe fined by the OFT were considered reasonable. No matter how the employer cherished to fight back with OFT, they had to pay the fine and settled it in the fastest way where to stop any embarrassing matters to be active their sales figure.At the same time, the costly and time consuming case mi ght make the expense of both taxpayer and business as well. So the fine paid has benefitted the consumers which bring loveliness of their trading. 3. 3 Compensations After Tesco had admitted exchange of outdated food, it was fined by the Bracknell Magistate Court for ? 12,000, and ? 15,000 in legal fees and a ? 15 victim surcharge. The Charges were related to 88 types of food which were put on shelves for sales. Tesco had to bear for the penalty as they k late that exchange of out-date-food brought harm to the public health (www. tutorcare. o. uk). In order not to excerpt their mistake, they were reinforced through staff formulation at the Bracknell store to ensure all the processes undergone strict quality control and the procedures were complied. Customers are the cause and purpose of every business. A business is supposed to serve them satisfactorily (Gavai, 2010). According to Tesco Corporate obligation, they were running local anesthetic anaesthetic supplier syllabus for the purpose of getting fresh and quality products. Therefore, the company had to enforce the programme to ensure it was running smoothly and the supplier complied with it.Employers had to bear the accountability for the incident where there was serious problem in the management. The accused importantly spoiled the corporate image and theme which cause the sales figure to drop. However, the employers had made a right decision for admitting the mistake and paid compensation. It importantly showed that Tesco was applying the Ethics of Justice. According to Plato (2010), justice is an order and a beauty of the parts of a whole. Justice is effective coordination. It is an effective harmoniousness of the whole.Ethics of justice can be outlined as what is right and what is wrong in clear and precision. It was related to the notion of fairness. When a person is been treated unequally or deprived from what he deserved, then he was treated with sleaziness. Tesco realized that treatin g someone injustice was an immoral action, so they pledged bloodguilty and paid fined which tend to bring fairness to the consumers as to determine this action on the metre of rightness, which is one of the concepts in Ethics of Justice as well. Furthermore, Tesco was fined for ? 33,400 for 43 charges of selling 100 out-of-date foods at a hearing in Coventry Magistrates Court and a further of 94 charges after considering their sentenced. However, some shareholders of Tesco were present in court to show their unassumingness of this matter and their concern on the case. They pledged guilty on the charges and their managers were laid off and two other employees were being disciplined (www. lacors. gov. uk). Employees had the responsibility to carry out their short letter by side by side(p) the corporate system. Some of the mistakes were not being tolerated and it has brought harm to the public health.The Coventry council was sunny with the results as the sentenced brought a warni ng to other competitors in the same industry that the government had stand at their point for the communities was appreciated. 4. 0 Best Practices and take to bes According to Donald, lily-white and Bedner (2010), value is a concept of the desirable, an internalized criterion or standard of evaluation a person possesses. Such concepts and standards are relatively few and determine or guide an individuals evaluation of many objects encountered in general life. Values are tinged with moral musical note involving an individuals judgement of what is good, right or desirable.Tesco has safe several communities works as a return to the fellowship and tried to lay out values to them. Corporate social responsibility is in the interest of business because, by contributing to social change, it can stimulate a better environment for its own transactions, thereby developing business while being socially responsibly (Rendtorff and Dahl, 2009). 4. 1 Communities Works Tesco plays a vital r ole in the local communities by funding them actively without preconditions. They wanted to have a good relationship with the communities in which they operated.The fundamental condition that Tesco can provide to the communities is providing good quality, affordable foods and goods, and offering job to the unemployment. Besides that, they are listening and responding to the local communities for their inescapably and values, carrying out the issues that matter to them positively, and improve the local area by providing lasting contributions. They regularly set up a invigorated store in the area where the retailers or businesses had been neglected. Tesco also launched a Regeneration confederation Programs in UK where Tesco was proud as this prompted to providing job opportunities to the long term unemployment.In May 2012, they had their first launched store under the regeneration program in Hungary at Debrecen. Hiring 100 slothful and providing 42 with courses organized by regio nal Labour Centre helped them to readjust in their routine of daily work. Tesco also self-contained the local communities in a sharpen point for them to interact. In Turkey, Tesco Kipa Family Club offered grooming class, Dancing class, chess and learning position Class to their 60,000 members. In addition, Tesco had over 100 schools of Extended Class in south-central Korea to let the customers and families to attend Arts and English Class.Presently, Tesco had over 750 communities champion working into the communities which communicated with the communities effectively. They were organizing activities such as Healthy Eating to the immemorial school and local school children, benignity event by collection or bag packing, and also asking the staff and customers to join the events like Race for living (www. tescoplc. com). Without doubt, values to the communities such as responsibility, accountability, concern and unity had contributed absolutely by Tesco. Value so understood i s a very broad category.It includes all sorts of things, from personal swear like health or a sense of humor to social ideals like wealth or liberty (Weston, 2010). They are responsible to the communities by braggart(a) them quality product in affordable prices. In addition, they were giving values of accountability by organizing learning class for the communities to gain their experience and interests. Tesco is also concerned about the communities of the unemployment, giving priority to the unemployed for job opportunities which also gave them better future and better life.Unity of the communities is very important in local area, Tesco provided a platform for the communities to communicate, interact and work together. They looked front that every business and store were wanted by the communities as they were trying hard-fought to give interest to the communities. Tesco contributed a lot of times and fund to the community works. This demonstrates the industriousness of Ethics of Duty. According to Kant (2010), a obligation is obligatory and one has to do his transaction regardless of any situation.Most of the time duty implies an action that one is expected to do as a part of society which may be neither for self-satisfaction nor for immediate happiness. Tesco knew what their prime duty to the communities was. Having a good thought is not luxuriant but must in action. An action with potential concern showed their responsibility to the communities. 4. 2 Protecting Environment Protecting the environment is one of the important commissions set by Tesco. The only way to deal with it was cut down the impact on the environment, including pee and skill tradition.All the suppliers have to follow the program with Tesco by decrease snow footprint on the product and manage the water example in all the store chain. The mission to be achieved is to become a zero-carbon business by 2050. Achieving a mission is not only in planning but practice. Tesco has c onverted over 100 stores to inborn refrigeration across the corporate. The project in Kenya for the Lake Naivasha water stewardship helped to precipitate water contaminant and raised the water levels, replace ecstasy from lorries to rail transport which saved 15,000 tonnes of CO2e per year.Tesco had also collaborated with Unilever to create awareness amongst customers of sustainable product choices more than 10,000 customers were advised to wince their water footprint in Turkey. Tesco practiced by reducing in case and minimizing macerate in their dairy operation which helped to reduce the impact on the environment. Reducing use was the priority plan for Tesco. They used a market-leading store ordering system which helped to expect what each store chain will sell, this minimized risky of food accurately before it reached their customers.The programmes of minimizing the stores useable waste started running since 2009 throughout the worlds store chain. They did not send any wastage from the UK store to the landfill. If the wasted were ineffectual to recycle then it will be converted into other sources of energy. In China, unlifelike and wasted oil in the stores had been to the full recycled. In Poland, in order to increase the rate of recycling, they have conducted an audit of waste segregation in stores. In Malaysia, they encouraged the employees to recycle by launching a weekly league table to learn who recycled the most.In US, they sent their waste food to the food bank for those who needed to reduce the wastage. And at last in Slovakia, they donated the waste food the hunting watchs association for feeding animals. The materials used for product packing were the lightest weight and sustainable and also gave opportunities for recycling. Since 2007, Tesco have reduced the box of own-brand product more than 15% in UK, which included cutting glass usage by 420 tonnes annually when producing their own tick Champagne. They also changed traditional promotion of toys to new packaging simplification technique that brought 15% reduction.In UK, Tesco also has commitments with WRAPs Courtauld 2 (Waste and Resource Action Programme) to reduce the packaging waste by 2012. The commitments included the reduction of weight, recycled content of grocery packaging to be increased, rates of recycling to be increased, and carbon impact to be lowered by 10%, reduction of 4% for the UK rest home food and drink, and reduction of 5% for the products and packaging waste in the supply custody (www. tescoplc. com). Caring for the environment brings value of duty, love, hope, and comfort. Tesco has carried out their duty towards the society by committing on wastage reduction.All the resources taken from the earth and environment were full utilized and the balances were recycled. This duty is belonging to everyone therefore Tesco has taken it into priority. Tesco also showed the values of love. In terms of kind the earth, loving the environment , and loving each others in the world by saving the resources such as water. gentlemans gentleman being is unable to live without water. Tesco knew the seriousness so they ran several programmes on reducing the usage of water. Tesco is giving Hope to the society as well, saving resources in order to prevent resources shortage, and climate changing.Value of hope is generating with these practices to the mess. liveness in harmony and secure which may concern for the next generation as well. With the clean environment, the values of comfort initiate and the people can feel that they are living in a undisturbed world. This is the main objective achieved by Tesco. A comfort lifestyle may bring positive thinking to the people, staying with tolerance and forgiveness. Tesco has significantly practiced ethical theory of right for the programme. According to William Sbaw (2010), a right is an entitlement to act or have other acts in a certain way.Everyone has a right in doing certain act ion and simultaneously expecting others not to deprive its right. However, others also possess a right to disagree to the action, but they cannot dismiss it. Tesco promoted the protecting environment programme and has prompted to let the communities knew that they had the right to live harmony. correctly and Duty are correlated as that our prime duty is to protect the rights of people (Gavai, 2010). Tesco has the duty of giving fairness to the society and the communities have the right to enjoy the fair treatment. 5. Conclusion Business ethics is important for a corporate because it brings significant benefits and advantages. lot with good business ethics prompt to have good image and reputation in the market, which assist to create market awareness and promote sales easily. Furthermore, a corporation best practice such as corporate social responsibility is also very crucial which to protect the employees and communities welfare, corporation may enjoy benefits for itself also beca use a good corporate social responsibility may create inscription of an employee.A loyal and committted employee will stay with the corporation constantly and increase productivity, which can reduce labour turnover as well. Whereas, Tesco, as one of the biggest retailers in the world, which cover business internationally (refer Appendix II for foreign business Chart), they realize the importance of these and working hard to practice good ethical behavior, create value for the communities and providing moral decision to settle the ethical dilemma to ensure the stakeholder and communities can enjoy the benefits.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

Cici’s Pizza Research Paper Essay

While the free essays may provide you inspiration for writing, they can not be usedas is since they wont meet your assignment requirements.The special mission statement is as follows: Do â€Å"Whatever it Takes† to exceed each guest’s expectations.Background CiCi’s Enterprise is an American style buffet restaurant chain based in Coppell, Texas. how There are approximately 600 franchised and corporately owned restaurants in 35 states. The company was founded in 1985 in Plano, Texas by Joe Croce and Mike Cole.An argumentative first essay is among the many academic essay types.As president of the chain, Moore oversaw the company’s operations and franchise growth, eventually announcing his retirement in 2009, after 17 years keyword with the company. Michael Shumsky took over after Moore retired in late 2009. He had previously served as CEO of La Madeleine Restaurant, Inc. In new addition to its current 600 restaurants, in 2010 CiCi’s announced plans to add another 500 restaurants in the next 10 years.

Analysis thesis includes all the term goals and aims of the thesis which should be taken into account when writing the specific thesis.Environmental AnalysisSWOT The strengths of CiCi’s pizza make it one of the best in the industry. It offers a unique buffet experience with so many pizza varieties. Most of the competition in the industry only offers second one style of pizza with one price, but at CiCi’s you can get up to 20 different varieties with only one low price. If you don’t want to sit in the family oriented restaurant with the best customer service and eat then you have the option to order take out.Research is a kind of research conducted.Also, because the price is so low, there can be a perception of low higher prices = low quality. The one other thing that is holding CiCi’s back from being in the top five is that there is 15 states in the US that so not have a CiCi’s in them.Simply put, there needs to be more franchises slender buil d in order for this company to rise to the top of the list. (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.

As an example, let us look at a few of the pizzas Pizza Hut has promoted.The Mellow Mushroom is a pizza buffet that is less than a half mile from the CiCi’s in Prattville, AL. Mellow Mushroom offers similar services but at a higher price. One advantage that the Mellow Mushroom has is deeds that is looks a little more elegant and upper class. People who are looking for more formal dinner experience would be likely to go to Mellow Mushroom.Last, it has always valued satisfaction and customer support.All these companies are within a 20 mile radius.In a lucrative market like the pizza one, the more competitors the better the customer service because it is so competitive. Market Analysis The pizza market can be very lucrative, therefore it is very competitive. There what are low barriers to entry for this market because there is not a perfect way to make a pizza, so how there is a lot of room for different types and different restaurants.

The way to guard yourself would be to do your homework.According to â€Å"Pizza Power†, PMQ magazine’s (Pizza Marketing Quarterly) Annual Industry Analysis, of the 67,554 pizza stores in the US, 59% are independently owned and control 51% of total pizza sales. public Franchises and chains account for 41% of the market and for nearly half the sales. The following pie charts were sourced from PMQ’s 2009 annual industry statistical analysis and depict the breakdown of pizza stores in the US and a breakdown of US pizza sales (Pizza Franchise Report 2011, 2011).CiCi’s pizza is included into the other very top chains 15%.Moreover, its crucial for a student to understand sides of an argument.This is compared to only 7% of those aged over 65 eating at least one pizza per month. Pizza also proved popular with parents. About 20% of the parents surveyed said that they purchase pizza more than three times per month, compared to 12% of adults with no children (Pi zza Franchise Report 2011, 2011). This customer group covers much of the target market for CiCi’s pizza.

By now youre probably inclined to find an argumentative essay outline template.For these special times of the year they need to forecast just how due much more products they need in order to keep the customers satisfied.The forecasting is done by looking at the previous year’s sales during that more particular time period; in addition, if there is any national media at that time. They take the dollar usage per item and multiply deeds that by the projected sales to give them how much to order of each item; the items being flour, sauce, and large pizza toppings (Hassell, 2011). Demand Forecasting cannot be done before there is a proper count of the inventory.Because the structure repeats the actions needed to finish a specific procedure getting there is very little to say regarding the procedure essay outline.The company as a whole tries to keep food cost percentages at 28% or lower, with labor cost of 18. 5% or lower (Hassell, 2011). Once the forecasting is done, then it is time to place the order. CiCi’s uses an online order management system called ESOS (Exhibition & Sponsorship Ordering System).

Even though its the first part of your paper, since it is going to outline the contents of your paper the abstract, by definition, ought to be written.CiCi’s has become such a powerful force in the pizza industry partly because of attention to detail in the transportation channel. They own their own transportation service.JMC restaurant distribution Inc. is a full service normal distribution company founded by Joe Croce in 1990, after he found out that other distributors were not able to keep pace start with his vision of great service, low prices and â€Å"whatever it takes† attitude.Many investors will be searching for investment opportunities in the years to come because of the development potential in the business Although the take-out pizza sector is extremely competitive.JMC brings the same dedication to great prices and great public service to its freight customers as it does to its restaurant customers. To date, JMC has served last over 1500 freight custom ers handling a wide array of dry, refrigerated and frozen products throughout the United States (JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011).Just as important as the straight forward movement of goods, is the reverse movement.

Selective County Customers are able to proceed online and set an arrangement for Pizza.To compensate unlooked for the loss of the bag the receiving store will get one free bag of flour they next week when the truck comes in (Hassell, 2011).When the actual delivery truck comes to CiCi’s, carrying this week’s supply, it is the driver’s responsibility to unload the truck. The employees at the restaurant do not help start with unloading. It takes about 45 minutes to completely get all the products off the truck and into the store (Hassell, 2011).Qualified for.Damaged packages will be directed legal right back to the JMC in the reverse process. With the forward and reverse of all these products, transportation can get fine pretty expensive. The facility locations are very important because of this. CiCi’s has a total of three distribution facilities that are strategically placed.

A job cited entry has to be contained at the close of the essay.(JMC Restaurant Distribution INC. , 2011) That is where the CiCi’s in Prattville Alabama gets all of its products. Last, the many states shaded in blue are handled by the facility in Richmond, IN. All the facility locations were made with the main roads, possible traffic, and distance in mind.Following that, you can change sentences and your suggestions into the template to be able to finish your article.â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s! † is the phrase that every employee must memorize and say to every customer that comes into the restaurant. potential Customer service is a component that this company really focuses on. On the website they have a list of guest promises that they stand by. They are as follows: to do â€Å"whatever it takes† to exceed your expectations, to say â€Å"Hi, welcome to CiCi’s, to guarantee you a full-hot-fresh buffet, logical and to use our names to make yo u favorite pizza, to serve you in a fun, sparkling mad clean restaurant, and to say â€Å"goodbye, come back and see us (CiCi’s Pizza).

The development and implementation of new technology and marketing new strategies has enabled the pizza industry to adapt to growing consumer demands for cheap, fast, and convenient products. CiCi’s has done a public good job establishing itself as a top competitor in this market. In order for CiCi’s to compete with the top pizza franchises in the market, such as Pizza Hut, they need to get more creative. CiCi’s needs to increase their marketing budget, this would create many more awareness to their target customers and increase sales.This great company has expanded from one restaurant in Plano, Texas to over 600 in 35 states in 25 years.That is a great accomplishment, and they are not done yet. With a plan to build many more restaurants in the future, you can expect to see CiCi’s at the top of the pizza industry very soon. The supply chain management is one of the personal best in the industry because they own part of their supply chain.Retrieved No vember 30, 2011, from wikipedia. com: http://en.’s_Pizza JMC Restaurant Distribution INC.html Pizza Franchise Report 2011. (2011).Retrieved late November 24, 2011, from Franchisedirect. com: http://www.

Racial Issues and Music Essay Example For Students

Racial Issues and Music Essay During the time African American performers have had a generous influence in the music business. They have ...